13: Self-Care for the Weary

13: Self-Care for the Weary

Self-care. It's a trendy thing to wax philosophical about, but what is it, really? Mani-pedis, hot-stone massages, shopping sprees, a night away alone...those things all sound nice, but who has the time or the money to make those sort of splurges a regular occurrence?

But maybe that's not what self-care is. Maybe we've blown it out of proportion or have gotten it all twisted around. Most of us won't even begin a regimen that seems impossible to maintain. It's too exhausting. And when we're weary, the last thing we need is a longer to-do list.

Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 13] as we redefine 'self-care' in a way that makes it attainable each and every day.

As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to abbi@zasinzebra.com


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14: Kasie Sallee [Creative Convo]: Creating Connections Through Beauty

14: Kasie Sallee [Creative Convo]: Creating Connections Through Beauty

12: Excuses, Excuses | Part 3

12: Excuses, Excuses | Part 3