
101 Things in
1001 Days

(Sunday January 17, 2016 to Sunday, October 14, 2018)

For the WHY behind this list, see this post. I'd love for you to join me at any time

1. Give 5 "just because" gifts X X X X X (8/28/2017)

2. Do a fun themed 5k (6/23/2018)

3. Spend a weekend with the Stewarts (9/5/2016)

4. Go on a beach vacation (10/11-17/2018)

5. Ride a Segway (8/2/2017)

6. Reread Sweet Potato Queens book (1/28/2016)

7. Take kids to Leonardo's Children's Museum (5/19/2017)

8. Go on a girls' weekend retreat (9/21-24/2018)

9. Do at least 6 fun sewing projects X X X X X X (10/28/2017)

  • Wallet for Finley; Pack-and-Play fitted sheets, Spring table runner, stuffed animal collars; birthday bunting; unicorn costumes

10. Complete an entire adult coloring book (9/21/2018)

11. Buy B- and F- (and P-) shaped copper cookie cutters (4/19/2018)

12. Take a welding lesson (1/21/2018)

13. Pay for the person’s order behind me (3 times) X X X (8/31/2018)

14. Make homemade ice cream Circus Cookies (7/4/2016)

15. Keep a prayers/praises journal for a year (12/31/2017)

16. Try a new sport/game/athletic endeavor (3/7/2017)

  • POUND (drumming) class at the YMCA

17. Order a favorite photo as a wrapped canvas (2/27/2017)

18. Create a book of our wedding photos

19. Go on a sisters’ trip with Arica and Sonny

20. Attend a concert (James Taylor on 5/25/2018 and George Strait on 6/2/2018)

21. Have a picnic in the park for dinner (6/19/2017)

22. Buy an expensive but perfectly-flattering pair of jeans (3/26/2016)

  • I found an amazing pair of MEK jeans at my local Clothes Mentor (high-end consignment) for $25 instead of their original $$$.

23. Go stand-up paddle boarding (7/23/2017)

24. Try 10 new cookie recipes X X X X X X X X X X (12/15/2016)

25. Take a train (8/3/2018)

26. Go on a kid-free getaway with Andrew (5/5/2016-5/8/2017)

27. Try 6 new (to us) restaurants X X X X X X (2/25/2017)

  • Rock and Brews; Cheever's Cafe; Fuzzy's Taco Shop; Flip's Trattoria; Joey's Pizzaria; The Mule

28. Try a beer tasting/sampler (6/25/2017)

29. Watch the Steve Jobs movie (6/4/2016)

  • Watched two versions: "Steve Jobs" with Michael Fassbender and Seth Rogen (great in a serious role) as well as "Jobs" with Ashton Kutcher and Josh Gad. I'll admit it was a little harder to focus on the actual story when the main characters were Kelso and Olaf. ;)

30. Deliver cookies to a fire department or other community service group (4/4/2017)

31. Attend a workshop or seminar (10/19/2017)

32. Write to three companies whose products I love X X X (6/17/2017)

  • Pilot Pens...the Precise V5 rolling ball pens are my favorite; Method...we LOVE their foaming soap called "Sweet Water"; Haribo...they make alphabet gummies that we've used in some homeschooling lessons.

33. Try gnocchi (7/25/2016)

34. Make Arnold Palmers from scratch (8/19/2016)

35. Get at least 3 pedicures X X X (7/21/2018)

36. See a play or musical (6/10/2018) "An American in Paris"

37. See a Thunder game (12/20/2017)

38. Eat dinner from a food truck (6/18/2016)

39. Go to music/theatre in the park (7/1/2016)

40. Complete the Cozy Minimalist course

  • October 2016, chose to begin in our rec room

41. Visit a makeup counter (8/17/2017)

42. Buy a cute hat (5/27/2017)

43. Create a fun wall hanging (3/17/2017)

44. Try 30 new dinner recipes (4/21/2017)

45. Go bowling at least twice X X (10/14/2018)

46. Go to the driving range (7/30/2016)

47. Go on a date to Top Golf (10/1/2016)

48. Take the kids to a water park or splash pad (6/1/2017)

49. Host a "favorite things" party (7/28/2017)

50. Host a Sweet Treats girls' night (10/14/2018)

51. Order one thing for myself from Etsy (7/20/2017)

52. Attend a symphony or vocal music concert (12/7/2017)

53. Play Bingo (11/28/2017)

54. Have someone over for dinner each quarter X X X X X X X X X X X (8/15/2018)

55. Make soft pretzels (6/10/2016)

56. Surprise a friend with a meal (2/28/2017)

57. Visit a farmer's market (6/25/2016)

58. Make a front-door wreath twice X X (2/3/2018)

59. Host a dinner party for couple-friends (7/25/2018)

60. Plant daffodils (12/2/2017)

61. Buy a pair of cowboy boots (1/13/2018)

62. Host another swap meet (10/29/2016)

63. Enjoy some time at Lake Hefner at least twice X X (6/25/2017)

64. Watch every season of Call the Midwife (2/10/2016)

65. Write Pastor Furtick a thank you note (1/26/2016)

  • His sermons have been so life-giving to me, and I think it's important we keep all pastors in our prayers. I felt led to send him a hand-written note expressing my gratitude for his ministry at Elevation Church.

66. Make fondue for dinner (6/1/2016)

67. Reupholster a piece of furniture (2/1//2017)

68. Go visit the Elephant Trunk (10/24/2016)

69. Find the perfect chai tea latte recipe (9/26/2017)

70. Watch 3 Tom Hanks movies I've never seen X X X (10/10/2016)

  • "Nothing in Common"; "Saving Mr. Banks"; "Sully"

71. Complete an entire book of Mad Libs with the kids (1/4/2017)

72. Date night at Bison Witches (7/8/2016)

73. Make cake pops again (7/26/2017)

74. Learn how to hand-stamp a bracelet (1/17/2017)

75. Learn to sew a zipper (3/10/2016)

  • I got my first sewing machine just a couple years ago, and the thought of doing a zipper seemed 'too advanced' for a newbie. Thanks to YouTube tutorials, my first attempt actually turned out pretty good.

76. Try three new hairdos from tutorials (braiding, up dos, etc) X X X (10/5/2017)

77. Borrow hand-lettering books from the library (3/3/2016)

  • Found a handful of great ones I'll be checking out again in the future: "More Creative Lettering" by Jenny Doh (I assume the "more" means this one is a sequel, so I'll be searching for the first one); "The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering" by Valerie McKeehan

78. Build a piece of furniture (2/12/2017)

79. Go out dancing

80. Take the kids to a cultural or arts festival (4/25/2017)

81. Shop hop at Classen Curve (3/25/2017)

82. Read a Jim Croce biography (4/12/2016)

  • I have loved his music since my dad first played "Time in a Bottle" on vinyl for me (I was maybe 11 years old). So many heart-felt ballads, strong story-telling and rich character development...yet I knew nothing of his life, except that he died in a plane crash at the height of his career. The particular biography I read was written by his wife Ingrid, so it had layers upon layers of history and personal anecdotes. It's interesting how learning about an artist's life give you a deeper understanding of their art.

83. Test drive a dream car

84. Get a reflexology treatment or massage (8/11/2017)

85. Buy a Kallax shelf from IKEA (5/27/2016)

86. Take flowers to Grandma and Grandpa Z's gravesite (7/31/2016)

87. Attend Homeschool Winter Summit (1/20/2017-1/22/2017)

88. Go to a stand-up comedy club (7/8/2016)

  • Not exactly a "club", but Jim Gaffigan!

89. Make a summer bucket list with the kids (2/25/2016)

  • We did this on a cold day, so of course they (ages 5.5 and 2.5) loved being able to come up with fun things to do as soon as our weather turns warmer. I asked them to choose 10 things, and their list includes a zoo trip, making homemade popsicles, buying new sidewalk chalk.

90. Make a YouTube video (12/31/2017) See it here.

91. Leave a 100% tip for great service (12/5/2017)

92. Do 5 "unplugged" weekends: no phone, iPad, computer X X X X X (8/5/2018)

93. Fill a doodle book

94. Write each kid a love letter to be opened on their 18th birthdays X X _ _ _ _

95. Host a multi-family dinner or barbecue (9/23/2017)

96. Try a mail-order subscription of some sort (food, clothes, crafts) (9/11/2017)

97. See a movie at a drive-in (6/11/2016)

98. Make Blair's Birth-to-One book (6/6/2017)

99. Keep a Sentence-a-Day journal for a year (12/31/2016)

100. Shoot pool (5/7/2017)

101. Go miniature golfing (4/15/2017)