Project 52:31 • Book Worm

Project 52:31 • Book Worm



We used to look at books together, and I'd point out things on the pages "Look, a red fire truck." "There's a tall tree." "What a silly dog!"

Then we progressed to you turning pages and saying over and over "Was thaaaat?" [Beau-speak for "what's that?"] about every detail on the page.

And now, you get the books out by yourself, turn the pages, and name the things you see. Half the time, you speak words and labels I didn't even know you knew!

But the best book time of all happens after bathing and teeth-brushing. That's when you and Daddy have your special time alone. You get to choose a couple of books each night and as Daddy reads, you giggle and make comments about what's happening on the pages.

And I stand out in the hall sometimes with a tear in my eye, contemplating how fast you are growing up and how fleeting these days are. No matter how your life unfolds in the years to come, may you always seek the thrill and knowledge and adventure and escape of a good book.


Check out some other folks doing Project 52: Lucas & Mahina; Shawna at StyleBerry; Wicked Kate; WokAbout

If you are participating in this year's Project 52, leave me a comment and let me know...I'd love to link up with you!

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20 of 35: James Taylor

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