Project 52:12 • Random

Project 52:12 • Random



It's hard to believe that for the first 16 months of Beau's life, it was a battle to get him to lay down and rest each day. Now, he will just grab some pillows and blankets and "play" rest time (which lasts for all often minutes, tops). So funny.

What's even funnier is the pre-rest process. He scopes out his spot and drags a blanket and a pillow (or in the case of this photo, three pillows) as if to reserve it. Then, he wanders from room to room, collecting items that he needs in order to relax.

Though you may not know from looking at the pile, he is very discerning when it comes to what deserves to be in his pile. Things are considered and discarded while others are picked up as if they are a no-brainer.

If you've ever seen Steve Martin in "The Jerk," it's similar to the scene where he lists all the things he can't live without. :)

The items that made the cut this time around: three pillows, a blanket from my alma mater, a step stool, a baby doll (snuggling with Beau), a red rubber ball, a plastic rock, a football, a skillet, a monkey cereal bowl, a Carhartt stocking cap, a wrench, a coaster, and the flatware basket out of the dishwasher.

Seriously?! I couldn't make this stuff up, people! My boy is just too random. And he seems to like it that way.


Check out some other folks doing Project 52: Lucas & Mahina; Shawna at StyleBerry; Wicked Kate; WokAbout

If you are participating in this year's Project 52, leave me a comment and let me know...I'd love to link up with you!

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