Project 52:11 • Like A Rock

Project 52:11 • Like A Rock



From the time we brought Beau home from the hospital, we planned to co-sleep. As a nursing mama, it just seemed to make the most sense. Baby would be right there by my side and I would know immediately if he needed anything. And in between "needing somethings," we all actually managed to get some sleep!

Fast forward 12ish months and Beau had been moved to his own crib in his own room...a decision he fought against with intensity that can only come from someone who cannot communicate with words. It was a challenging adjustment for all of us, but we stuck to the plan.

Now he sleeps all night long...most of the time. And on those rare occasions when he just doesn't want to be alone, we bring him back to our bed...knowing he will be the only one who is comfortable for the rest of the night.

But that's love...sacrificing something you love (sleep) for something you love even more (your baby).


Check out some other folks doing Project 52: Lucas & Mahina; Shawna at StyleBerry; Wicked Kate; WokAbout

If you are participating in this year's Project 52, leave me a comment and let me know...I'd love to link up with you!

Etsy, Here I Come!

Etsy, Here I Come!

Project 52:10 • Bruiser

Project 52:10 • Bruiser