Ziggy Zaggy Keepsake Book

This post is about dreaming up experimental ideas and seeing them through to completion. cover

I've been wanting to design a book like this for a long time (several years, if I'm being honest) and a couple weeks ago I decided to just bite the bullet and make it.


Besides, I had this amazing retro paper that needed a purpose! I couldn't just leave it sitting in the shoebox for too long! It was created for something greater (much like all of us!)


And though the cover was fairly basic, the book's insides were anything but.


In fact, this adorable book measures just 4.675″ square when folded. However, once its contents are allowed to unravel, the book measures an impressive 36" from tip to tip.

(I could make all sorts of analogies here about "don't judge a book by its cover" and all that, but I think you guys get the gist without me having to dumb it down for ya.)


The "book" has 16 panels (6 squares, 10 triangle halves) which could be used for a mini-scrapbooking project...photos in the squares, writing and ticket stubs and other ephemera. Or, it could become a canvas for writing, painting, collage, etc.

Once the book is full, the tie closures can be turned into a hanger, if you'd like to display the book's contents. Think what a great gift this would be for someone you love!


The possibilities for this book are endless, and I'm excited that I FINALLY got around to making it. It went together fairly quickly and I hope to make more projects like this in the future.

In the meantime, if you have fallen in love with Ziggy Zaggy, I'm selling it! Click here for details.

First one to call dibs and send their payment will be the proud owner of this newest creation from Z as in Zebra!

#79: Halloween Orange Juice Cupcakes

#86: New Year's Eve Confetti Cupcakes