#97:	See a Movie at a Drive-in

#97: See a Movie at a Drive-in

As a wife and mom, I kept my family in mind as I was making my 101 Things list. Sure, they are all things *I* want to do or activities I'd like to try, but it's always more fun to go on adventures or experience new things with the people I love.

One thing I'd never done before is see a movie at a drive-in. Fortunately for me, the oldest operating drive-in theatre in Oklahoma (The Beacon in Guthrie) is a short drive from our home. We checked out the listings for upcoming movies and decided we'd make it a family affair, invite some friends, and go see the Angry Birds movie.

While we waited for the sun to set, we killed time by taking selfies and blowing the kids' college fund at the concession stand (WHY is a tiny package of Sour Patch Kids $6?!)

We loved looking around and seeing all the other families hanging out at the Beacon. Most sat on truck tailgates or lawn chairs. Some threw frisbees or footballs to pass the time until it was dark enough for the film to start.

We laughed throughout the movie and snuggled together (all the easier to share popcorn, my dear) and, as with any good time, the kids fell asleep on the way home.

If you live in Oklahoma and have never been to a drive-in, I recommend making a trip to the Beacon. Even though I generally default to Netflix and jammies, it was a really fun experience.

Go HERE to follow along with my 101 Things progress. Detailed accounts of completed Things will be posted as time allows. For those items that need little-to-no explanation, a completion date and any applicable footnotes will be noted on the 101 Things page.

The Liturgy of Leaf Raking

The Liturgy of Leaf Raking

#55: Make Soft Pretzels

#55: Make Soft Pretzels