Project 52:10 • Bruiser

Project 52:10 • Bruiser



There must be something naturally ingrained in boys that makes them fearless warriors. In fact, I know there is. God says so. :)

In becoming a tough guy, bumps, bruises, cuts, and scrapes are all a part of the initiation process.

The hard part? They scare/worry the mama more than they worry the boy!

This scrape was earned in the cousins' tree house. You know, the one that's 6-and-a-half feet up in the air but you can still climb the ladder and get into? (side note: GASP) You were playing around up there while I watched (like a HAWK) from arm's length. You lost your footing while opening the door and slipped only a few inches (side note: GASP), but enough to scrape your chin.

You fussed a little bit, but when I said, "Come here and let me kiss it," you looked at me with distrust. Almost as if you knew I'd make you come down if I got a hold of you.

So you just wiped your bloody chin on your sleeve and climbed back into the tree house. And I learned (yet again), that if you are "hurt" and don't seem to care, I shouldn't worry about it too much, either.

Learning to be tough is part of learning to be a man. And I'm learning to leave you alone a bit so you can learn that.

But I'm still be available to kiss your boo-boos whenever you need me to.


Check out some other folks doing Project 52: Lucas & Mahina; Shawna at StyleBerry; Wicked Kate; WokAbout

If you are participating in this year's Project 52, leave me a comment and let me know...I'd love to link up with you!

Project 52:11 • Like A Rock

Project 52:11 • Like A Rock

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Name That Glass