Project 52:1 • Crocodile Tears

I'm excited to be participating in Project 52 this year. Though I don't have a fancy camera or lenses or even much experience, I do love capturing my family's lives through photography, so that should be worth something, right?! :)

From the day Beau was born until his first birthday, I took his picture every day and then created a coffee table book. Since reaching that goal, I haven't been as consistent with taking his picture.

The goal with Project 52 is to take a themed photo each week for a year. Though life with a toddler and starting my own business is busy, I know I can commit to one good shot per week.

This year, my theme is "BOYS!" I grew up in a house full of sisters, so I had ZERO first-hand experience with boyhood until Beau Wrightson was born June 2010.

Since then, it's been a crash-course not only in motherhood (B is my first, though I inherited two amazing daughters when I married my husband), but in the inner-workings and quirks of BOYS.



It must be difficult not to be able to articulate your feelings with words. At 18 months, my son Beau knows a few basic baby signs: "drink", "please", "more", "thank you", "all done", but what happens when you say "more, please" and Mama says "no"?

You "cry." Just to see if you can get what you want.


In the weeks to come, I will be linking to posts of other Project 52 participants, including the cyber-friend who inspired me to join, the amazing Shawna.

Mum's the Word

My Word for 2012