Time Flies When You're Having Fun

I've been MIA lately from the blog because I have a VERY wild, crazy, curious 11 month old that keeps me extremely busy! Every day, we read books and play outside and tear apart the Tupperware cupboard (well, he does that last one on his own). It's been so fun spending the past several months watching his mind work as he discovers new things and learns his world.

Meanwhile, between the pooey diapers and the Baby-Led Weaning and the tickle-induced belly-laughs, I've stopped making time to blog, and I've missed it A LOT!

Yes, I LOVE being a mama. I also love being an artist. I strongly believe it's important for kids to see their parents pursuing their passions. They learn it's not selfish to do something you love, as long as your life is in balance. It's great to involve your kids in your passions, too, if they are interested. Even little Beau is right by my side while I'm designing. In fact, the computer desk shelf is one of his favorite places to sit. :)

I saw a book the other day entitled "It Gets Easier!...and Other Lies We Tell New Mothers" and I got to thinking about how my son is in the middle of a tough stage. He knows what he wants but can't really communicate. He can crawl really fast or pull up to stand, but he cannot yet walk. It would be so easy for him to be frustrated by his limitations, yet he makes the most of every moment. Which got me to thinking that I am often frustrated by my limitations and use them as excuses.

We can all find excuses why we "can't" do something. I'm sick of making excuses. My husband and son are my daily priorities and other things come second to them and their needs. But that doesn't mean I can't find make time to do other things! The longer I use my guys as a reason for not being creative, the more likely I will begin to resent my role as a wife and mother and take for granted what a blessing life is and how fast time truly flies.

So...I am back to say I am back. :) I don't know if my posts will follow a set schedule as they did before. We'll see what I can do with the time I have. Maybe I will just post as I finish projects. Who knows? I do have several past projects that never made it on here. And it's time to get them posted! If for no other reason than because my artistic soul needs a place to run free! I know I can find ways to be an artist AND a mom! Maybe my baby will even create some masterpieces of his own!

Thanks for sticking with me during the hiatus! I hope you'll check back often to see what's new!

If you have any advice on juggling many 'hats,' and making time for your passions, I'd love to hear it!

It's a...

Day 21 AEDM: Sew Organized