Day 19 AEDM: Peanut Butter Brownies

Baby boy has decided that NOW is a good time to start teething! TEETHING.

He'll be five months old on the 23rd, but I guess he's dying to eat some 'art', so he figures he'd better grow some chompers.

Today's creativity: Peanut Butter Brownies

Some friends of mine (via my Aunt Rouye) are driving up from Dallas, so we're having a dinner party at my aunt's house tonight. I asked if there was anything I could bring, and "Dessert!" was the response. It wasn't until I hung up the phone that panic set in. "What should I make? Do I even have any ingredients?"

So, Google to the rescue! (Sort of.) I searched for "simple desserts" and got no help from the powers that be. So, I fell back on my ol' reliable site: Tasty Kitchen.

And, let me just say, HOORAY! I found a recipe and had all the ingredients on hand!

Here's how they turned out...


Day 20 AEDM: Pomegranate 101

Day 18 AEDM: Photo Prints