Day 13 AEDM: Baby Girl Card

Today has been a fun day. This (very chilly) morning, I ran in a 5k race with my husband Andrew, his brother Jacob, and two of their sisters, Katie and Erin. It was my first official race since April 2009, when I did the OKC Memorial Half-Marathon. Being pregnant and then having a newborn sort of forced running to the back burner, but now I'm back after it. Given how little I've run in the past several months, I was satisfied with my time, (31:41), which is my best in recent history.

Running aside, this weekend is a busy, fun-filled one!

My SIL Ali's baby shower is tomorrow, and I needed a card. Luckily, I have nearly as many scrapbooking doohickeys as Hobby Lobby itself, so it was easy to find things to use.

Here's what I came up with in about 10 minutes. I wish the photo were better, but I'm pressed for time right now:


An acrylic tile reading "Baby Girl" is the focal point, surrounded by pink circles and swirls.

Tomorrow I'll show details from the shower as well as the gift I made for Ali and her baby girl.

Day 14 AEDM: Baby Shower Decor

Day 12 AEDM: Workout Album Art