How Does Your Garden Grow?

Some of the most important women in my life are gardeners. I am not. In fact, you might say I have a black thumb. I bet if you gave me enough time, I could even find a way to kill an artificial plant. But then again, that's not what this post is about. No, this post is about celebrating the green-thumbs in my life. Though I originally made the following cupcakes for the back-to-back birthdays of my sister-in-law, Ali, and mother-in-law, Robin, I cannot continue this post without offering up a shout out to my sister Arica, who is turning 25 today!

Happy Birthday, Seester! I LOVE YOU!

Now, Arica is a gardener for sure. She gets it from my Grandpa. I, however, get cupcake baking skills from my Grandma (and the book Hello, Cupcake).

This set is meant to resemble garden rows, complete with veggies, tools, and cookie crumb dirt!


The shovels were made from pretzel sticks and candy melts. The "seeds" were candy-coated sunflower seeds.


Heads of lettuce were made using green Tootsie Rolls and icing-covered corn flakes.


The peas were made from green Tootsie Rolls and M&Ms.


Radishes were made from red and white Tootsie Rolls and icing-covered corn flakes


The carrots were my most favorite veggie to and green Tootsie Rolls. The carrots were then scored with a knife and rubbed with cinnamon to give them a fresh-pulled look. Yum!


So what if I don't have many outdoor gardening skills...these 'veggies' taste better anyway. ;)

Baby Boy Book

Baby Sabbatical